Vengeance jest wzmacniaczem high-gain. Dwu kanałowy wzmacniacz 120-watów z 10 lampami i brzmieniem które sieje spustoszenie i strach Na Twój rozkaz będzie jednocześnie jak nalot lotniczy i ostrzał armatni.
Jest jak Vengeance czyli Zemsta.
120-Watt All Tube Head
Selectable Full / Half Power
Premium Tubes:
4 x 6L6
6 x 12AX7
Two Independent Channels each With:
Volume, Gain and 3-band EQ
Tight and Bright Voicing Switches
Mid Cut/Boost Voicing Switch
High/Low Gain Switch
Independent Reverb Controls with “Spillover”
Master Controls:
Presence & Density
Main and Secondary Master Volumes
Six Button Footswitch Connects Via a Standard XLR Cable
Channel Select, Channel 1 Mids, Channel 2 Mids, Effects Loop, Reverb and 2nd Master Volume
Assign the Effects Loop and 2nd Master to Channel 1, Channel 2 or Both
Additional 1” Jacks for External Control of Switching Functions