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Great Piano Solos - The Classical Chillout Book

Lista Utworów:
1. 36105
2. Adagietto (Symphony No.5)
3. Adagio For Strings Op.11
4. Adagio In G Minor
5. All the Things You Are
6. Any Other Name (American Beauty)
7. Balcony Scene (Romeo And Juliet)
8. Dance of the Hours
9. Douce Reverie
10. End Title Theme (Miller's Crossing)
11. Etude No.3
12. Flow My Tears
14. Hoppipolla (Planet Earth)
15. I'll Always Go Back To That Church (The English Patient)
16. In a Sentimental Mood
17. Into The West (The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King)
18. La Fille Aux Cheveux De Lin (The Girl With The Flaxen Hair)
19. Le Onde
20. Living In The Country
21. Now We Are Free (Gladiator)
22. Panis angelicus
23. Peace
24. Romance (Piano Concerto No.1)
25. Schindler's List
26. Spartacus (Love Theme)
27. Spring Creek
28. Sweets To The Sweet, Farewell (Hamlet)
29. The Blue Bird
30. The Blue Planet (The Blue Planet)
31. The Park On Piano (Finding Neverland)
32. The Walk To The Paradise Garden
33. The Weather Storm
34. To A Water Lily
35. Towards The Light
36. Variations On The Kanon By Pachelbel
37. Vesper (Casino Royale)
38. Vladimir's Blues
39. Waltz No.1
40. Waterfall
41. Woodbrook