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The Legendary Series: Flute

The Legendary Series: Flute jest to zbiór 97 utworów w aranżacji na Flet poprzeczny. Zaczynając od Baroku, przez klasycyzym, impresjonizm, Zespół "Jethro Tull" aż do współczesnych przebojów.
Lista Utworów:
1. (I'Ve Had) The Time Of My Life (Dirty Dancing)
2. A Night In Tunisia
3. Air On The G String
4. All the Things You Are
5. Angels
6. April in Paris
7. Ave maria
8. Badinerie
9. Beautiful
10. Big Spender (Sweet Charity)
11. Cabaret (Cabaret)
12. Can You Feel The Love Tonight (The Lion King)
13. Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man (Show Boat)
14. Cantaloupe Island
15. Chasing Pavements
16. Come fly with me
17. Corcovado (Quiet Nights Of Quiet Stars
18. Defying Gravity (Wicked)
19. Don't Cry for Me Argentina (Evita)
20. Don't Look Back In Anger
21. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, I: Allegro
22. Eleanor Rigby
23. Every Breath You Take
24. Feeling Good
25. Fields Of Gold
26. Flower Duet From Lakme
27. Fly Me To The Moon (In Other Words)
28. Fur Elise
29. Good Morning Baltimore (Hairspray)
30. Good Vibrations
31. Guys And Dolls (Guys And Dolls)
32. Gymnopedie No.1
33. Habanera From Carmen
34. Hallelujah
35. Hopelessly Devoted To You (Grease)
36. I Believe I Can Fly
37. I Dreamed A Dream (Les Miserables)
38. I got rhythm
39. I Know Him So Well (Chess)
40. I will always love you
41. If I Were A Bell (Guys And Dolls)
42. If I Were A Rich Man (Fiddler On The Roof)
43. If My Friends Could See Me Now (Sweet Charity)
44. Imagine
45. Jerusalem
46. La Donna E Mobile From Rigoletto
47. Land Of Hope And Glory
48. Life On Mars?
49. Losing My Mind (Follies)
50. Luck Be A Lady (Guys And Dolls)
51. Lullaby of Birdland
52. Make You Feel My Love
53. Mamma mia
54. Man In The Mirror
55. Meditation From Thais
56. Memory (Cats)
57. Morning Mood From Peer Gynt
58. Mrs. Robinson
59. My Favourite Things (The Sound of Music)
60. Oh, What A Beautiful Morning (Oklahoma!)
61. Pavane
62. Perdido
63. Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps
64. Polovtsian Dance From Prince Igor
65. Pretty Woman (Sweeney Todd)
66. Radetsky March
67. Rondo from Abdelazer
68. Run
69. Satin Doll
70. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes (Roberta)
71. So What
72. Someone Like You
73. Someone to Watch Over Me
74. Spring From The Four Seasons
75. Stella By Starlight
76. Summertime
77. Symphony No.5, Iv: Adagietto
78. Symphony No.9 From The New World, Ii: Largo
79. Take Five
80. Take the 'A' Train
81. That Ole Devil Called Love
82. The Girl from Ipanema
83. The Music Of The Night (The Phantom Of The Opera)
84. The Rhythm Of Life (Sweet Charity)
85. Theme From Romeo And Juliet
86. Theme From Swan Lake
87. Thriller
88. Toreador's Song From Carmen
89. Turkish Rondo
90. Viva la vida
91. Waltz for Debby
92. Waltz From Sleeping Beauty
93. What Kind Of Fool Am I? (Stop The World, I Want To Get Off)
94. Witchcraft
95. Wonderful tonight
96. Yesterday
97. Your song